About the company


Selyanin Mikhail Analolyevich
The president of the MARTINEX company;
The president of the MARTINEX International Research Center for Innovative Technologies (IRCIT) (Autonomous nonprofit organization (ANO) IRCIT MARTINEX);
A vice-president of the International Institute of Microelements acting under the auspices of UNESCO (Lyon, France);
Head of the Laboratory THOSCANE LLC, joint Swiss-Russian manufacture of pharmaceutical products (Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia);
The author of over 20 patents for inventions;
The author of the books "Hyaluronic acid" and "Polysaccharides in medicine of the future."
The Belgian Order of Merit in the Field of Inventions with the title of Commander (2015);
The winner of the prestigious international UNESCO award gold medal "For Contribution to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" (2015);
A winner of "The Name in Science" honorary award of the Oxford Academic Union for the contribution to enhancing the prestige of science and education, for the scientific research topicality, for the development of the national science and its integration into the world science with the registration of Mikhail Anatolyevich Selyanin's name in the International Register of Outstanding Scientists (2016);
The winner of the gold medal with honors at the 65th World Salon of Innovation, Scientific Research and New Technologies "Brussels-Innova/Eureka" and a diploma from the Brussels Innova International Jury (2016);
The winner of the diploma of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent ) in the nomination “100 Best Inventions of Russia-2016” for the creation of “Multicomponent mesothread containing hyaluronic acid and for the method of its production”, which was recognized as the best out of more than 46 thousand applications reviewed by Rospatent Collegium (2016);
The winner of the "ARCHIMEDES" Prize of the XXth Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes" (2017);
The winner of the BIZZ AWARDS prize of the World Confederation of Businesses (WORLDCOB), Houston, USA and two certificates for innovations in business from the Business Excellence Certificate for MAR.
Mikhaylova Natalia Pavlovna
MD, PhD in Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist;
Associate Professor at the Department of Skin Diseases and Cosmetology, of the Additional Professional Education (FAPE) Faculty at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU);
The president of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NSM, Russia) and of the Eurasian Association of Specialists in Injection Methods (EASIM);
The scientific director of the International Academy of Aesthetic Medicine by Dr. Mikhaylova;
Head of research at the Laboratory THOSCANE LLC production complex;Head of research at the Laboratory THOSCANE LLC production complex;
The leading researcher of the MARTINEX International Research and Development Center for Innovative Technologies (Martinex ANO IRCIT);
A full member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS);
A certified instructor of the VISAGE course, Sophia Antipolis University of Nice (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis), France;
A member of the expert councils of Laboratoire GERnétic® Synthèse (France), SuissElle (Switzerland);
The founder of the Reform innovative cosmetology clinics by Dr. Mikhaylova;
The Editor-in-Chief of Les Nouvelles Esthétiques, Injection Cosmetology, Lasers & Aesthetics as well as My Reform magazines. The author of more than 1000 scientific publications, innovative methods and educational programs in the field of aesthetic cosmetology, new techniques and methods of product administration in mesotherapy and contour correction, initiator of the injectable products creation for aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, the holder of 12 patents for inventions;
The author of the book Hyaluronic Acid. Application in Cosmetology and Medicine, 2012, Lambert, Germany; a co-author of the book Polysaccharides in Medicine of the Future 2015, Master-Press, Moscow, the scientific editor of popular translated monographs.
The Belgian Order of Merit for Inventions (2015);
The winner of the prize «Best women of Russia, defenders of the Fatherland» in the nomination «For professional honor, dignity and honorary business reputation» for her great contribution to the development of aesthetic medicine (2015);
The winner of a prestigious international UNESCO award gold medal «For the Contribution to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanothecnologies», (2016);
The winner of the gold medal with honors at the 65th World Salon of Innovation, Scientific Research and New Technologies "Brussels-Innova/Eureka" and a diploma from the International Jury of the "Brussels Innova" (2016);
The winner of the diploma of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent ) in the nomination “100 Best Inventions of Russia-2016” for the creation of “Multicomponent mesothread containing hyaluronic acid and for the method of its production”, which was recognized as the best out of more than 46 thousand applications reviewed by Rospatent Collegium (2016);
The winner of the Archimedes Prize of the XXth International Saloon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies for the innovative surgical suture used in aesthetic, plastic and re-constructive cosmetology» (2017).


Units of the company:

  • A wide distribution network and its own branches selling effective products for aesthetic and clinical medicine cover large cities both in Russia and other countries
  • The MARTINEX Education Center with its unique propriety methods of training specialists in the area of aesthetic medicine in techniques of working with products, in rules and methods of their use
  • MARTINEX International Research and Development Center for Innovative Technologies (ANO IRCIT MARTINEX), engaged in the development of new highly effective products
  • In-house production in the town of Chernogolovka (Moscow region), operating in accordance with the international standards of ISO quality management system and producing cosmetic products using unique technologies
  • "Refforma" innovative cosmetology clinics practicing proprietary methods of Dr. Mikhaylova (in Moscow and Yekaterinburg)

Non-commercial partnership:

Today MARTINEX is the leader in the area of therapeutic cosmetology, aesthetic and clinical medicine in the Russian and the CIS markets. The company's contribution to the development of these areas has been honored with numerous diplomas and awards at international congresses, specialized exhibitions and seminars.


  • MARTINEX is a manufacturing company. Innovative products are developed according to the international quality and efficiency standards, and what is more important, taking into account the needs of Russian consumers.
  • MARTINEX is a leading company specializing in the field of injection technologies. When purchasing our injectables and equipment, you may rest assured that you become a user of the highest quality state-of-the-art product.
  • MARTINEX is a developer and manufacturer of bioreparants, up-to-date products for skin rejuvenation, created on the basis of a unique method of hyaluronic acid solid-phase modification. Bioreparation is the next evolutionary step following biorevitalization, it is intended to start the patient's skin true rejuvenation process and, with the help of only one product, to solve several aesthetic problems at one stroke. Significant demand, which the invention of bioreparants triggered, necessitated to increase the production capacities and to place orders for the products manufacture using our exclusive technologies, not only under in-house manufacture, but also in the factories of the European countries.
  • MARTINEX is a reliable partner aimed at long-lasting and stable relationships with our suppliers on the basis of contract exclusivity conditions. We guarantee a holistic approach in our partnership with clients: a wide range of products, flexible pricing policy, personnel training system, marketing and information support.

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