HYALREPAIR®-08 Bioreparant vial

Форма выпуска
Флаконы 5 мл

Концентрация ГК:
6 мг/мл

Молекулярная масса:
3 млн Да

Гиалуроновая кислота, модифицированная витамином С, L-карнитином.


  • Омоложение кожи
  • Биологическое старение кожи с избыточными жировыми отложениями в корректируемой зоне.
  • Локальные жировые отложения небольшого объема в области лица и тела (в т.ч.подбородочная область, зона вокруг коленных и локтевых суставов).
  • Целлюлит
  • Птоз и дряблость кожи лица и тела у пациентов вследствие потери объемов на фоне коррекции излишних жировых отложений
  • Отечность, склонность к пастозности

Клинические эффекты:

  • Омоложение (разглаживание морщин, лифтинг)
  • Повышение тонуса кожи лица и тела
  • Липолитический эффект, коррекция силуэта
  • Профилактика птоза тканей при снижении массы тела
  • Уменьшение отечности
  • Улучшение цвета лица
  • Осветление пигментных пятен
  • Уменьшение выраженности купероза

3-5 процедур, 1 раз в 2 недели


    It is aimed at correcting the signs of aging around the eyes, strengthening the density of collagen fibers, eliminating signs of photoelastosis, as well as increasing the amount of endogenous hyaluronic acid in the periorbital region. Native hyaluronic acid provides pronounced hydration from the first procedure
  • HYALREPAIR®-06 Bioreparant

    Age-related decrease in skin firmness and elasticity, combined with a tendency to the appearance of inflammatory elements.
    Change in micro and macro relief (enlarged pores, areas of hyperkeratosis).
    Skin reactivity and sensitivity.
    Atrophic scars (stretch marks, post-acne).
    Seborrhea, including the scalp seborrhea.
    Diffuse hair loss.
  • HYALREPAIR®-02 Bioreparant

    The preparation stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. Amino acids, glycine, proline, lysine make part of the main proteins of the extracellular matrix of the dermis, they are necessary to start the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin.

    Rejuvenation (skin tightening, wrinkle smoothing).
    Lightening of age spots, including post-acne.
    Increased skin hydration.
    Skin “glow” effect.
    Reducing the number of inflammatory elements.
    Reducing sebum production.
  • Hyalrepair-06 Bioreparant Lips syringe 1,0 ml

    Gel material based on modified hyaluronic acid, water-containing, sterile HYALRIPAIER®-06 Bioreparant, 1.0 ml, syringe

    Rejuvenation (skin tightening, wrinkle smoothing).
    Lightening pigment spots.
    Increased skin hydration.
    Strengthening blood vessels, preventing rosacea.
    Cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products, increasing performance and quality of life.
  • HYALREPAIR®-04 Bioreparant

    The preparation stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. The sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine and the tripeptide glutathione are very powerful antioxidants that act at various stages of the free radical chain oxidation of biomolecules.
  • Hyalrepair-02 Bioreparant Deep syringe 2,0 ml

    Gel material based on modified hyaluronic acid, water-containing, sterile HYALRIPAIER®-02 Bioreparant, 2.0 ml, syringe
  • HYALREPAIR®-07 Bioreparant

    Skin hydration.
    Rejuvenation (smoothing of wrinkles, lifting).
    Improving skin smoothness
    Complexion improving.
    Pigmented spots clarification.
    Reducing the intensity of rosacea."
  • HYALREPAIR®-08 Bioreparant syringe

    Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. L-carnitine strengthens cell membranes, normalizes the water-salt balance of the skin.

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