Biorevitalization is a method of intradermal injection using unmodified and partially modified hyaluronic acid, aimed at reconstructing the intercellular space of the dermis and stimulating the production of fibroblasts. This method was first applied in the early 2000s and has been steadily gaining popularity ever since.
1) Moisturizing effect. Hyaluronic acid, which makes part of HYALUFORM® biorevitalizant, has an extremely high hydrodynamic volume, due to its ability to retain a large number of water molecules on its surface for a long time. Thus, it provides the skin with a long-term reserve of moisture, which has a positive effect on hydration and turgor of the skin.
2) Restoration of the internal medium and intercellular matrix of the dermis. As is known, dermal fibroblasts have primary CD44 receptors, which are selective for hyaluronic acid. When HYALUFORM® biorevitalizant is injected, hyaluronic acid binds to the CD44 receptor and concentrates around fibroblasts, creating an optimal intercellular medium for the migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and thereby increasing their synthetic activity.
3) Prolonged antioxidant protection. Hyaluronic acid is involved in the inactivation of free radicals during oxidative stress (it is a "trap" molecule). Every second, reactive oxygen intermediates are generated in the skin in large quantities, which induce damage to cells and intercellular space. The injection of HYALUFORM® biorevitalizant provides protection against reactive oxygen intermediate of skin cells and its own (native) hyaluronic acid for a long time.
4) Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Hyaluronic acid suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory interleukins and cytokines, creating conditions for quick restoration of the normal skin structure.